
fuck you, pioneer woman... and other thoughts.

Did I get your attention with the title? Did I? Well, you're welcome, and thank you for continuing to read as we get to the point of this post.


real food days 3-5, and a recipe

as far as eating whole, real foods instead of fake wanna-be-foods that are more sugar and chemicals than real nutrients, days 3-5 were about 85% on track. the truth is, i still have a couple bags of dutch crunch potato chips in my house. and when i'm tired and stressed, i just want to shove all.the.chips into my face. so, now that i've done some grocery shopping and successfully pushed the potato chips off on my husband, i think this week will go even better.


real food day 2.

today was amazing! totally awesome! couldn't have been better!

just kidding. it fucking sucked.


there are words. so many words.

it's been a while. it's been so much of a while that i don't even really know where to start with what to say as far as my absence, what i've been doing, the weight i've lost, then gained. blah, blah, blah, boring, boring, boring. instead, i'll just write a story and share some words. because i tried to post this as a facebook status, and The Facebook blocked me (too many words). so. enjoy.


after yesterday comes today.

i didn't post last night because i was busy being a mom and relaxing after a long day. sorry i'm not sorry.


after the antibiotics fuck you up.

if you don't like complaining, skip this post entirely. or at least scroll down until the shitty food pictures start.
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